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Website Testing: The Complete Guide For Developers

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Website Testing

Website testing is a special sort of software testing that obliges discovering bugs in sites only. Even though the essential idea of testing is an incredible same, there are not many differences in the way testing results. 

Need to Test a Website

Testing your website is vital and here are a couple of reasons to convince you about that: 

  • Sites can confront a few issues like broken connections, search capacities not operational, pictures not loading, forms not submitting as expected, and so on To guarantee your website doesn’t confront any such issue, it is imperative to direct website testing on it.
  • Website testing can likewise assist you with improving your conversion rate through A/B or multivariate testing.
  • SEO is another significant piece of website testing that helps your website rank higher on different web engines.
  • The number of cell phone clients is said to arrive at 4.68 billion by 2019. With a particularly enormous populace utilizing cell phones, a test that your website is very much tuned to different cell phones.
  • Testing for web standard consistency is additionally vital as these destinations are easier to understand, more available, and have more opportunities to rank higher on Google.
  • Website testing helps in deciding the performance of your site.
  • Testing your website for a legitimate Google Analytics establishment can help you measure your guest’s figures appropriately.
  • Content testing of your website is another vital part of website testing.
  • Security of your website is a significant issue that is proficiently managed with appropriate website security testing.
  • It assists with testing and monitors the presentation of your site.
  • There are different programs accessible on the lookout; your audiences may be utilizing various ones. So it is vital to test that your website functions well on all the usually utilized programs.

Also read: Features of a Website

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Website Testing Checklist 

Before you start with your website testing, be prepared with an agenda to not to miss any piece of it. 

For Performance Testing 

Test your website for attributes like Speed, Responsiveness, Stability, Scalability, and so on under different load conditions. 

For Web Usability Testing 

  • Approve the navigation framework is understood for the clients.
  • Ensure that the navigation names are clear and concise.
  • Approve the utilization of easy to understand and important keywords
  • Approve the right use of Alt Tags for all pictures.
  • In the event of inner connection breakage, the legitimate blunder message ought to be shown.
  • Approve that critical content is shown in normal screen resolution on the first.
  • Ensure that consistent utilization of font style and colors has been done across your site.
  • Approve that the title is important and self-explanatory
  • Approve the right use of buttons and links for a simple route.
  • Approve that the organization logo is connected with the landing page. (Not mandatory, but is usually practiced)
  • Check the right position of the website logo.
  • Check tagline.
  • Approve the contact details.
  • Check the appropriate utilization of heading labels like H1, H2, and so forth
  • Check the appropriate situating and simplicity of utilization of the search button
  • Guarantee that the heading is clear and graphic
  • Approve that website load-time is reasonable.
  • Assess font size and dispersing between lines is effectively readable by the clients.
  • Guarantee the utilization of Flash and Add-ons.

For Compatibility Testing 

Approve your website with: 

  • Hardware setups.
  • Network environments.
  • Programs and their versions.
  • Operating systems and their versions.
  • Screen resolutions.

For Functional Testing 

  • Approve that the web forms are reliable and hold the fundamental input and output controls. Also, approve that the information is appropriately caught.
  • Check CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • Approve that inside links are suitably connected to expected pages of your sites.
  • Ensure that the required and optional fields are appropriately dealt with.
  • Counter-check the safety efforts for appropriate putting away of sensitive information.
  • Approve the data set for viable information handling.
  • Cookie testing ought not to be missed for the improved security of your clients.
  • Check if usable HTML is utilized.
  • Approve that inside joins are suitably connected to expected pages of outer sites.
  • Guarantee the legitimate working of Email links.
  • Approve that there are no wrecked connections created on your site.
  • Check your website for error messages
  • Approve distinctive fields like dropdowns, text boxes, checkboxes, radio options, links, and Combo box inputs

For Web Security Testing 

  • Approve your website for password cracking.
  • Test your website for risk exposure.
  • Approve your website for URL management.
  • Approve SQL injection.
  • Approve your website for Cross website scripting (XSS)

Kinds of Web Testing 

Website testing can be comprehensively divided into different parts: 

1. Stress and Load Testing 

Your website can now and again be exposed to unjustifiable load conditions and it ought to be genuinely intended to work appropriately under such substantial burden conditions. Hence it is essential to conduct stress and load testing to test website stability under heavy load conditions. 

2. Site Monitoring 

Standard downtimes can reduce the trust of your clients on your site. Consequently, it is critical to naturally notice your website to test for personal time. 

3. Conversion Rate Testing 

Managing the testing of how to change over more visitors into clients, has become the most loved website testing of the current day world. 

4. Functional Testing 

Tests the functionality of the website and ensures it fills in according to the requirement specification.

5. Usability Testing 

Your website ought to be not difficult to use for the clients, it ought to give a simple route, use and look and feel to the clients. 

6. Accessibility Testing 

Accessibility testing can be called a subset of website usability testing, where testing is done whether your website can be not difficult to use by disabled individuals. It explicitly tests if your website is planned in thought with individuals with disabilities. 

7. Browser Compatibility Testing 

Your clients may be utilizing various programs and to offer a smooth browsing experience to guarantee that you direct a vivid round of browser compatibility testing. It guarantees that your website turns out great on different various programs.

8. Performance Testing 

Your website needs to bear some load on an everyday premise. Considering a normal load condition, you ought to guarantee that your website turns out great under this load condition. Hence, Performance testing of the website is done to test its strength and its responsiveness under a specific load. 

9. Security Testing 

Sites are inclined to hacking; consequently testing their security is all things considered significant. 

Spelling and Grammar Checking 

Spelling and sentence structure mistakes can have an awful impression on your image, so completely check your substance for spelling and language errors. 

Methods to Decrease Your Website Testing Efforts 

A portion of the methods that you can infer to decrease your testing efforts are: 

Automated Testing 

With automated testing, you can save a lot of time physically executing each experiment and can additionally invest that energy advancing better approaches to improve your testing efforts. 

Mobile Emulators and Simulators

Since there are huge chances of individuals browsing your website through cell phones, you need to test your website in different cell phones and working frameworks. This can be an exceptionally tiring task to test your website on many accessible cell phones, working frameworks, and combustion of both. Subsequently, a simple way out is to mobile emulators and simulators.

Live Web Testing 

Live web testing permits you to troubleshoot a website on different programs and working framework mixes in a split second accessible in the Cloud. 

Website Testing Tips 

Here are some website testing tips to improve results: 

1. Combine exploratory testing with testing techniques 

Exploratory testing has a couple of shortcomings. You can essentially defeat these by absorbing exploratory testing with other testing techniques. It helps in delivering more solid test outcomes, and essentially decreasing the ideal opportunity for testing. 

2. Test with a programmer’s IQ 

Try testing your website with the intent of a programmer and have a go at finding to hack a website with negligible obstruction for best outcomes. 

3. Be a part of the development team 

With the expanding variety of the Agile technique, DevOps figures out how to function in a joint effort with designers, business examiners, and clients. 

4. Automate the chatbox testing 

Chatbox testing must be done in various testing conditions and the coordination among the bots should be thoroughly tried. This can be a painstaking task and consequently, it is smarter to computerize chatbox testing efforts. 

5. Keep URL String Unalterable 

Programmers can adjust URL string to sensitive touchy data or to divert your website to some malicious link. Attempt to keep your URL string unalterable to avoid any chances of malicious activities.

6. Don’t miss on Sanity testing 

Sanity testing can immensely help you in approving the functions and features of your website in decreased time. 

7. Verify Plug-ins, Third-Party Applications, and Extensions 

Test if the expansions and modules are viable with the web application and recognize the defects in them. Recall that they can unfavorably influence the performance of your site. 

Website Testing Tools 

Here are a couple of website testing devices that can diminish your testing endeavors impressively. 

  • SOAtest
  • Runscope
  • Rapise
  • WebInject
  • TestMaker
  • vRest
  • HttpMaster
  • SoapUI
  • TestingWhiz
  • SOAPSonar


Sites are not quite the same as desktop programming, so treat them distinctively and follow the website testing approach to get the best testing results. They are consistently at stake. 

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