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Appium For Android Testing and iOS Mobile Apps

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Appium For Android Testing

Key takeaway:

  • The ease of updating apps over the air has raised users' expectations for quicker access to modern features.
  • Development teams must now deliver multiple releases more frequently to meet these expectations.

Appium is a mobile Test Automation tool that has created life a lot simpler for testers because of its abilities and strengths. Appium has formulated it manageable for teams to test their apps for numerous platforms. 

However, Appium alone cannot unravel the challenges of enforcing behavior-driven development and systematic UI/functionality updates. What is required is the blend of tools that can deal with these problems when incorporated.

So in this blog, we will learn about everything appium for android testing, appium android automation framework, appium android studio, and appium android driver example. So let’s begin with what is automated testing. 

What is Automated Testing?

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For the uninformed, automated testing is the aim of an automation tool like a set of scripts to accomplish tests on software that would usually be performed by a manual tester. Automated test scripts can be composed to enclose all functionality of your application for regression tests or almost any particular function of the app. 

Once the scripts are jotted down, the test suite can be re-run over and over with some clicks, on a schedule, or combined into your build procedure. As you can visualize, automated tests are especially helpful if you possess a development method that needs to test your application from end to end frequently.

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Environment Set Up with Appium and TestNG

Surprisingly, the difficult part of mobile automated testing is concluding which tools to utilize, which editions to use, and how to install everything so that it functions seamlessly jointly. Sadly, it is nowhere close to as manageable as operating a few clicks to install everything you require.

Automated Testing

Here is a detailed list of everything you need on a new installation of OSX:

  • Homebrew
  • Carthage
  • Node & NPM
  • JDK
  • Android Studio and Android SDKs
  • Appium
  • Appium Doctor
  • Gradle
  • Maven
  • Eclipse
  • TestNG

1. Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a collection of management software that will generate it much simpler for us to install a unique other software.

2. Install Carthage

Carthage is a reliance manager. In our case, it is needed by WebDriverAgent.

With-it the terminal, enter the following:

brew install Carthage

3. Install Node and NPM

A node exists a javascript run-time setting and npm is the node package manager. We require these because Appium is a node application. In the terminal, enter the following as this command will install npm as well- brew install node

4. Install Android Studio and Android SDKs

We’ll require the Android SDKs next to compose and run tests on Android apps and devices. The fastest way to get these installed is via Android Studio. Download and install Android Studio. Launch Android Studio and finish the setup procedure until you enter the welcome page.

5. Install Appium

Appium is an open-source test automation framework for usage with native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. It runs Android, iOS, and Windows mobile apps utilizing the WebDriver strategy.

In the terminal, enter the following:

npm install -g appium@1.7.2

6. Install Appium Doctor

Appium doctor is a mini software that tests everything of the pre-conditions for appium to operate successfully.

In the terminal, enter the following:

npm install -g appium-doctor

At this level, you can drive the appium doctor to obtain a sense of what else we’ll require to get right before we get begun. 

7. Install Gradle

Gradle is an open-source build automation system utilized to establish apk and jar files.

In the terminal, enter the following:

brew install Gradle

Then test the Gradle edition by entering this into the terminal:

Gradle -v 

After that, edit your .bash_profile and be confident to set the version number as per the edition you installed

8. Install Maven

A maven is a tool utilized for creating and managing Java-based projects.

In the terminal, enter the following:

brew install maven

Then check the maven edition by entering this into the terminal:

mvn -version

Next, edit your .bash_profile and be clear to set the edition number as per the version you have installed.

9. Install Eclipse

Eclipse is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that we are moving to operate to compose, compile, and drive our test scripts.

Download and install the Eclipse IDE.

10. Install TestNG

TestNG is a testing framework that we’ll be utilizing to operate our automated test suite. Launch Eclipse. The eclipse will take a while to retrieve the related package to display, choose the checkbox next to TestNG and click “Next”. The eclipse will take some time to install the TestNG package and then urge you to restart Eclipse.

UI Automator Viewer

  1. Device Screenshot (UIAutomator dump) button. By clicking this will refresh UI Automator Viewer with the new view contents of the related android device
  2. An interactive screenshot of the recent screen on the Android device. Clicking on components in the screenshot will alter the contents of the exact panels
  3. This is the view structure, you can widen and disintegrate the nodes and choose nodes to see their details in the panel
  4. text: The text content of the selected component
  5. resource-id: The id of the selected component
  6. class: The class of the selected component

Utilizing this tool, we can recognize the components that we require to compose the test case. 

With each passing day, our world is getting more and more dependent on technology and its benefits. People wait in queues eagerly to buy the latest apps and gadgets, which have modern and fancier characteristics as well as qualities. 

Currently, mobile devices too are receiving new makeovers and features, which can fascinate and capture the attention of people all over the world. This need for outstanding quality applications and devices has urged developers and programmers to execute comprehensive testing on the advanced applications. 

Appium framework is one such testing procedure operated by developers and testers to create an application of improved quality and outstanding scalability. Also, it confirms that the application is consistent with various operating systems, such as iOS and Android.


Moreover, Appium for Android testing is an open-source and cross-platform tool that enables automated Mobile application testing for Android and iOS. It helps native, mobile, and hybrid applications and can utilize any language that Selenium WebDrivers support

Therefore, with the assistance of Appium, one can effortlessly test the scalability, compatibility, and achievement of the developed software application and can celebrate its advantages.

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