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5 Best Designing Languages For Back-End Web Development

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Languages For Back-End Web Development

With so many languages available to developers today, it can be hard to decide on the top languages for web development. Back-end development is a complex task that requires a strong understanding of both front-end and back-end technologies.

Web development is the umbrella term for conceptualizing, creating, deploying, and operating web applications and dynamic websites. It includes all aspects of website creation, from the initial planning stage to maintaining and upgrading the site after it is launched on the web. 

This document will provide a comprehensive overview of the 5 top languages for web development available in the backend sector today. Our discussion will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each language and help you decide which language best fits your web development needs. 

So before starting on the hunt for the best web designing languages, let's understand the significance of backend and front-end in web development. 

Back-End and Front-End in Web Development

The backend of a web application is responsible for the server-side processes that support the front end. The front end, or client-side, of an application, is what users see and interact with within their web browser. 

Backend languages for web development are responsible for the server-side processes that support the front end. Backend developers must have a strong understanding of front-end technologies (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and a backend programming language and development environment. 

Now that you understand both terms, let's explore the top backend languages for web development. 

5 Top Languages For Web Development

Many languages can be used for backend web development. The use of numerous languages and frameworks is part of backend development. These languages make the creation of reliable systems for web applications more accessible. However, not all languages are created equal. Here are five of the most popular choices: 

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1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language well-suited for backend web development. It is a universal language that can be used for both server-side and client-side scripting. 

JavaScript is a popular language among web developers due to its ease of use and wide range of features. The language is well-supported by a large community of developers, making it easy to find help and resources when needed. 

Key Takeaways

  • JavaScript is popular because it can be used for front-end and back-end development. 
  • Numerous historical trends and statistical data conclude that JavaScript's use as a backend language for web development has increased due to Node.js's growing popularity and extended usage. 
  • The language offers several noteworthy features, such as Client-Side Validation, Interpreted, Object-Oriented programming Support, Lightweight Scripting, Dynamic Typing, and a Big Community. 
  • JavaScript's NodeJS, Express, and MeteorJS are a few commonly used backend frameworks. 


  • Lack of support for complex object-oriented designs, difficulty with error handling and programmatic complexity, and a lack of maturity in the language overall. 
  • These issues can lead to problems when building reliable systems for web applications. 
  • Despite these drawbacks, JavaScript remains a popular language for backend development.

Read Next: Guide In JavaScript Testing With Jasmine

2. Python

Python is a flexible language suited for the rapid development of scripts and applications. It is open source, with a large community of developers contributing to its development. 

Python offers several features that make it a good choice for backend web development, such as intuitive syntax, code readability, and support for multiple programming paradigms. 

Python is also well-supported by several frameworks, such as Django and Flask, which can make development faster and easier. 

Key Takeaways

  • Python's design of its language, which is straightforward, elegant, productive, and robust, is its distinctive selling proposition (USP). 
  • It is one of the top languages for web development and integrates superbly with languages like C and C++. 
  • Python includes many sophisticated libraries filled with a substantial amount of pre-written code. Engineers save time by not having to write new code from scratch. 
  • Multiple platforms and systems are supported in Python language. 
  • The language increases the efficiency of programmers and developers. 


  • A poor choice for mobile computing. 
  • Has an underdeveloped and rudimentary database.

Suggested Read: Known Python Web Frameworks That Are Trending

3. PHP

One of the best languages for developing websites is PHP. The market still needs experts who can work with PHP framework, although it competes with other languages like Python and JavaScript. In addition, PHP is a flexible, dynamic language for developing server-side applications. It is kept up by an open-source platform compatible with Mac, UNIX, and Windows operating systems

Key Takeaways 

  • The server-side scripting language PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, is free and open-source and was created with web development in mind. 
  • With features like cross-platform compatibility, OOPs, support for various standard databases like MySQL, SQLite, and others, and a sizable user base, PHP does not need a compiler. 
  • Leading PHP frameworks include CodeIgniter and Laravel, etc. 


  • Creating a web page entirely in PHP can take longer than in other languages. 
  • It lacks error handling and security features, leading to data breaches and other cyber-attacks.

Recommended Read: Types Of Cyber Security Threats In 2022

4. Ruby 

Ruby is a powerful, versatile, and fun language for backend web development. It has several advantages over other languages, including its readability and lack of complex syntax. Ruby is also well-supported by many frameworks, making development faster and easier. 

Additionally, Ruby is a popular language for mobile development due to its concise code and ease of use. Ruby has an extensive community of developers and a wide variety of libraries and frameworks, making it a good choice for this type of programming. Moreover, Ruby is widely used in the production environment, making it a reliable and mature language. 

Key Takeaways

  • Frameworks like Ruby on Rails are built on the Ruby programming language. Its syntax is clear and expressive. It provides more than 60000 libraries, has a unique set of keywords, and is a dynamically typed language. 
  • Nine years after Ruby's initial release, the web development framework Rails was unveiled. It was designed to simplify web app programming and aid in creating websites of any complexity.  
  • Ruby's primary goal is to make it simple to create new, high-performance web projects. 


  • Fast Growth, but poor performance. Although Ruby is unquestionably one of the quickest development languages, it is not always the best performer for web applications. 
  • Incorrect documentation.
  • Absence of flexibility.

Read Through: Appsierra & Its Role In PHP In Web Development Services

 Languages For Back-End Web Development
Languages For Back-End Web Development

5. C#

C# is one of the select few programming languages that has consistently fallen below the top 5 languages for the past few years, according to various standard indices. Aside from backend web development, C# is now widely used in multiple industries, including creating Windows applications and video games. 

Component-oriented and structured language are just a few of the many enlivening features the language offers, along with faster compilation, interoperability, scalability, and update ability. 

Furthermore, C# offers a wide range of libraries that aid programmers in creating applications more quickly and effectively. As a result, C# is a programming language you can try if you're searching for the top languages for web development.

Key Takeaways

  • Java falls short of C# in terms of developer expertise. 
  • Due to its long history in the IT industry—more than 20 years—C# has a plethora of frameworks and libraries. 
  • Due to the Common Language Runtime, even C# is independent of platforms, just like Java is (CLR). 


  • More rigid than C++ 
  • Learning is time- and effort-consuming. 
  • To fix mistakes, you must be knowledgeable and skilled. 
  • It does not prohibit pointers in its "unsafe" blocks.

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Editor's Choice OR Editor's Pick

It is important to note that there is no one "best" language for backend web development. The language that is best for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. However, the languages discussed in this article are all famous for backend web development, and each has its advantages and drawbacks. 

But with developer expertise, JavaScript is a clear winner in our list of the best web designing languages. JavaScript has been around since 1995, making it one of the most developed languages in the world.  

As mentioned above, it offers a wide range of frameworks and libraries, making it easy to find the right tool for the job. It is one of those top languages for web development that is often used in larger companies and organizations. 

So if you are on the hunt for the top languages for web development, this article is where you should start. From JavaScript to C#, we've covered every aspect of the most popular backend web development languages, so you're sure to find the perfect one for your needs.

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So if you're looking for a comprehensive suite of software testing services, look no further than AppSierra. AppSierra's software testing services cover a spectrum of functionalities and languages. They offer manual and automated testing services, and their team of professionals is experienced in multiple programming languages. 

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JavaScript stands out in our list of the top languages for web development. This powerful language has been around for over two decades and continues to be one of the most popular choices for backend web development. 

JavaScript is an incredibly versatile language that has its popularity among developers is no surprise. It is relatively easy to learn, and its vast number of libraries and frameworks make it an ideal choice for backend development.

Relatable Read: Top 15 JavaScript Code Analysis Tools 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 Q1. What do Back-end Languages entail?

The internal systems of a web application's background are built by programmers using backend languages. The portion of a program or application that users, also referred to as clients, cannot see is the back end of the program or application. 

Q2. Are Backend Developments challenging?

Backend web development boot camp is challenging and requires much time to learn. You will quickly feel overwhelmed if you have no experience with web development. Since a tiny change can sabotage a website's functionality, it requires close attention to detail. 

Q3. What are the skills of a Backend Developer?

A backend developer is in charge of creating the backend code for any website and figuring out how to communicate with it when a user initiates a specific action. They also handle the website's architecture, coding, scripting, and database accessibility, in addition to its entire wireframe.

Also Read: 10 Best Programming Languages

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