Several developments continue to pick up momentum, fueling the popularity of IoT in 2024, from data-intensive experience using Internet of Things (IoT) devices (such as self-driving cars or wearable devices) to vital health and safety requirements, as COVID-19 keeps taking centre stage. At the same time, the IoT environment remains fragmented, with a wide variety of prevailing norms, networking options, and use cases. This heterogeneity will continue, Forrester Research predicted, and networking choices will be diverse rather than standardized.
Though 5G has been declared the Holy Grail for IoT, “there will be a variety of connectivity options,” said Michele Pelino, Forrester’s senior technology and operational research team analyst. Forrester further expected that certain applications of IoT will concentrate on key health and safety programs in 2024 (such as building cleaning technologies and track-and-trace capabilities).
At the same time, while IoT technology will be enlisted for basic needs, it will also be essential to higher-level customer support and customer experience. Many IoT technologies and digital transformation services will lay the groundwork and then help companies step on and concentrate on more mature fields, such as customer care and customer experience.
Listed below are the key IoT trends to watch out in 2024:
Entities preferred to think about what candidates should do about the bullet points on their resumes and job titles. But none of us really knows what we are capable of, and what our boundaries are, before we are checked and pushed to those limits. We must now question how we think about the workplace and use technologies to assist recognize and activate human capacity inside and outside the company. This involves preserving the magic that comes from inspiring people to break through authority and bureaucracy, contribute at all levels, and roll up their sleeves to get the job done.
Pelino noted that the emergence of COVID-19 had brought digital and remote health care to the fore. “If some are positive as a result of the pandemic, some are linked to the ability to use wearable devices more widely,” Pelino said. Also, new technologies at the edge, such as 5G and smarter hardware, will allow richer data-driven health experiences.
But this transition will concentrate less on past objectives, such as energy efficiency and worker productivity. Conversely, smart building technology will focus more on main initiatives, such as worker health and safety, in 2021. However in the past, smart building technologies have been used to plan conference rooms for meetings and use smart lights and energy efficiency thermometers, the focus in 2024 will be on workers’ social distance and track-and-trace abilities to minimize COVID-19 spread.
“We still expect that many investors will get back to the office in some way and will be powered by IoT devices to ensure that people stay a safe distance from each other.” The capacity and relevance of IoT relies heavily on data. It presents the data in a digestible and actionable manner, making the technology most attractive for customers. The use of data analytics would complement the study of the internet data of the solutions generated and processed.
Properly applied, data analytics would allow users to easily monitor patterns or trends within the information collected by their devices. Subsequently, the knowledge produced by the data analysis ensures that the company is well prepared with the information required to make efficient business product decisions with ease.
Pelino acknowledged that manufacturing plants and other environments with expensive equipment have now learned first-hand the benefits of remote monitoring.”Remote monitoring capabilities have become much more popular, and those that have not traditionally enabled remote monitoring have now turned on these technologies,” Pelino noted that remote monitoring has undergone fire testing in the post-pandemic period, and many organizations have now adopted these capabilities.
The IoT-enabled predictive maintenance solution has the ability to assist businesses in considering possible damage by gathering data from ultrasonic and vibration sensors. This is particularly important in the manufacturing sector, as manufacturers are looking for a competitive advantage in order to make a better life on a global scale. Predictive maintenance is commonly used for Internet applications in engineering, logistics, warehousing, healthcare and other fields.
Also, several companies have come to understand how to use this data for better long-term partnerships with customers, where they can constructively avoid or schedule equipment failures, and warn field-level technicians to have spare parts available and ready when a system needs maintenance. These kinds of service scenarios will boost customer service and “will continue to gain momentum in 2024,” Pelino said. The latest IoT Adoption Survey of 2024 conducted by industrial internet of things World Today echoes this notion, with 57% of respondents stating that they will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to track results.
Retail stores started testing curbside pickup and other location-based services in the aftermath of COVID-19, and Pelino said that the use of location data to improve customer service would only continue. Over time, there will be more ways to create location-based experiences to interact with a brand,” said Pelino. In the coming year, customers will be able to check-in at a location on the phone to preserve distance and avoid on-line waiting, and other services will grow, Pelino said. However, it remains to be seen if physical stores will be able to offer a full slate of digital services.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen the IoT trends and its boundless potential taking off. With the 2024 pandemic fueled, the digital revolution progressed rapidly and with enhanced accessibility, thanks to 5G and faster WiFi and better AI and machine learning, IoT looks Set to expand its origins in our lives and our industries. Understanding the top 5 IoT trends can provide a comprehensive view of the significant developments driving this expansion.
Also Read: IoT Testing