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8 Key Points That Should Check During Mobile App Testing

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mobile app testing strategies

Mobile app testing is generally a challenging task that requires a lot of resources and dedication from our mobile team. There are too many factors to be considered and plans when it comes to mobile testing strategies.

According to the recent World Quality Report, it captured over a quarter of its budget in 2018. If we ask QA, they will likely tell us that it isn’t nearly enough and that they require many more resources.

The Mobile App Testing Strategy Checklist

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Here are some top mobile app testing strategies and checklists for releasing confidence and making the most out of our QA resources.

1. QA Engagement with Business and Product Teams Earlier in Development

There is a very common misunderstanding that testing and QA can start during the development life cycle testing phase. We should include QA and testing from the very inception of the design process. While designing what the final product looks like is the most important thing to keep in mind and what test cases should be used.

The best way to do this is to stop employing QA as its isolated entity when the mobile app testing strategies are available to be delivered to QA. Instead, it would help if we integrated QA into every method from the opening, so all teams are aligned to what is required to be tested and how. This approach will guarantee that our QA team knows their test cases and business and functional requirements required to be met.

2. OS Testing and Support

Although most devices in the mobile market use iOS and Android, it is essential to preplan what OS our app will support and not only what OS but essentially which versions will be supported. Testing an app on a single OS is easy, but it becomes a difficult task when we start running in two different versions.

We should study our market well and thoroughly plan what versions we will be supporting. It will help the QA team in planning test cases and functionality for the supported platforms and versions.

3. Device Testing

One of the most troublesome tasks the QA team faces is making sure an app is working well on all the devices. After knowing which operating systems will be supported, it becomes crucial for us to look into what devices are required to be tested. The more devices are required to be tested, the longer the testing phase can take.

We can use emulators to make device testing more cost-effective. By imitating a huge collection of mobile devices, we will be able to save a lot of time and workforce for testing devices. It is beneficial when physical devices are not immediately available for testing.

Device testing

Nevertheless, this is a perfect solution as emulators won’t replicate an actual physical device’s performance and behavior. And knowing how a device will behave when not in a test vacuum is also essential as a huge amount of users will have many background processes hogging up memory.

We must use emulators in tandem with physical device testing, notably for popular devices whenever possible. Setting up a device testing policy in the early method for deciding how exactly it will unwind could go a long way for saving the testing time.

4. Network Connectivity Testing

Today, applications require a network link nearly often, and not all users have the same amount of Internet connectivity. Developers and testing companies will easily conclude that their high-speed WiFi office is the norm. But in fact, most people have spotty and low-speed Internet access to contend with.

Network connectivity testing

The QA Team must ensure that all network speeds from 1G to LTE to WiFi are implemented. It involves even sudden changes among networks, speeds, and even link loss.

5. Battery Testing

One of the biggest problems for consumers is battery life. If the system battery is drained easily and noticed by the application, users can disable it. Several applications now use several battery-powered processes, such as heavy data store and share, geo-location, video streaming, and memory-consuming processes.

Battery testing

QA Testers would perform certain battery checks to know which areas of the app drain more of the battery. From a market and a QA standpoint, this is a major challenge and needs to be prepared accordingly.

6. Security Testing

The more information is sent back and forth with apps, the greater the issue for security. A study by IBM on the financial impact of infringements found an average of more than $2.5 million in data infringement costs.

The mobile app security statistics are abysmal, and this is not the rule. It is critical to schedule security testing early and search for data leaks to ensure web data are not vulnerable and that security vulnerabilities are not accessible.

7. Automated Testing

Automated testing is one of mobile app testing’s largest possible developments. Automated testing facilitates the scripting and reuse of test cases for iterations several times. In comparison with manual testing, they are made in no time. It works especially well in the very boring repeat test cases to be tested one by one. Automated research saves a lot of QA money and staff, despite the initial investment.

Seeing for automatic testing in our mobile app testing for optimize our performance and minimize distribution time to the greatest extent possible. We should notice that only automatic testing should be integrated and not replaced where necessary. We should also look for automatic tests to be integrated into mobile app testing to optimize performance and reduce delivery times. 

Notice that only automatic testing should be integrated where necessary and manual testing should not be replaced entirely. The technology is not yet available to cover all the required automated checks. Manual testing will not be done soon, but a helping hand is helpful.

8. Progressive Rollout Strategies

Depending on our app, the decision to roll out our app over the face could make a huge difference. We may not be able to catch all the bugs and issues present in our app internally. It could be why considering different rollout strategies like a beta testing program or rolling out to select regions first could help our app find its legs.

If anything slips by our QA team, it could be recognized by a handful of users instead of being received negatively by our entire target audience.


Mobile app testing strategies address various challenges that combine developing and releasing an app with an aggressive edge. As users’ expectations are high, testing teams are required to build their processes around these actions to provide their apps with a realistic chance at success.

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