There are numerous reasons why technology is a crucial aspect of global learning in schools or any institute. Technology is globally defined and present everywhere, whether we like it or not; and for our students to survive in post-secondary education and the business world, they must know technology. Technology is a major part of every industry, and these days, it means more than just learning essential computing skills. Technology has made it a portion of every aspect of our lives today. The students who understand it are the ones who accomplish it in the business world.
It is a “Global and Digital Opportunity for Educators” as proved in the period of lockdown. We can also say that digital media literacy in a global era offers more than using technology to do the things that were done by hand before—such as data or word processing, presenting knowledge, e-learning meaning and retrieving information, one-to-one communication. It now allows easy participation in the civil global experiences and networks that our wired nation affords.
In the past decade, much has been learned about the capacity of a technology-rich process in education. This is perceived in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), which constitutes funds for classroom technology and related professional advancement. Education meaning is important and educators can seize this moment to pair digital media and technology to solely transform teaching and learning for the global era, with global learning for the 21st century.
To Harness Digital Media and Technology for Global Learning here are some five strategies for using digital media and technology to help learners both understand and contribute to the richness and intricacy of our wide world:
Secondly, you should discover personal opinions behind global problems. You should enlarge students’ exposure to opinions from other countries through digital media created by individuals, such as blog posts, podcasts, and videos as well as dialogue via comment boards or any number of collective technology tools.
There is Asia Society’s Creative Voices of Islam project that helps to facilitate an increased understanding of the variety of Islamic voices within the multicultural societies of Asia. Beginning this year in high schools in the U.S. and Indonesia, students create digital audio slideshows about their cultures, communities’ history, and traditions, which they exchange and examine on the Asia Society’s website. Students use the modern perspectives they gained through the online exchange to create collective productions and screen the media projects in their societies.
Furthermore, you should look for ‘citizen journalists’ reporters on the Internet. They can often be found remarking on or breaking news about evolving world events. You should ask students to assess in what ways these opinions are similar or different from media reports and why individual voices are significant in global dialogue. The learning curve is also rising. Beyond accessing others’ opinions, you should help students to exchange theirs through several youth-to-youth global sites, such as Youth Media Exchange or Taking IT Global.
To help students comprehend the power of “collective intelligence” through global networks where information is compiled and analyzed. Participation in these networks facilitates students to develop cross-cultural understanding. While dealing with global issues, synthesizing information from multiple cultures, and collaborating in global teams to responsibly assemble on existing knowledge as well as generate contemporary knowledge.
As we see many online collaborative science projects are leading the way. The GLOBE program (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), governed by NASA and the National Science Foundation in 110 countries, engages educators, community members, youth, and scientists in accumulating and sharing data internationally about critical environmental issues.
To begin you should contact organizations that allow students to work together on global issues and projects. As well as try SEED ePALs, GLOBE, or iEARN. They offer pedagogical assistance for educators and engaging programming for students. Fourthly engage a global audience through online publishing. Students should not only share their research and ideas through technology within a classroom or school these days but also share their learning worldwide through online publishing tools and websites that achieve a global audience.
International Insider student newspaper of the College of Staten Island High School for International Studies (CSI) in New York City is one of the instances. To cover issues from global warming to the conflict in Iraq, CSI students are in constant dialogue—using a free blogging program with student reporters in other countries, such as Bahrain, Belarus, Egypt, Poland, and Syria. Through the PEARL World Youth News Service, cooperation between iEARN and the Daniel Pearl Foundation, they have also contributed to student newspapers around the world that act as an international wire service for circulating youth-produced news articles online and in student newspapers worldwide.
Publishing is as easy as starting a free blog using Blogger or WordPress and other identical programs. For a more structured and more advanced option, assess Oracle Foundation’s ThinkQuest competition or event for students. Integrated global committees tackle world issues and publish research and suggestions for the world.
Last but not least, you should restrain the power of virtual simulation to understand global complexity and create solutions. Through the intention of virtual reality, games, and modeling applications that emulate real-world experiences through technology, students can test out global theories while engaging themselves in the target content.
For instance, “Global Kids”, an after school program in New York City, incorporated game design into their Online Leadership Program for teens. Working with Global Kids staff and a game design company, a group of high school youth-created “Ayiti: The Cost of Life,” in which players learn about poverty by presuming virtual accountability for a fictional household in Haiti, making decisions about when to send children to school vs. work, and how to spend insufficient resources.
Ayiti and other ‘serious games’ on global issues can be found through Games for Change, an organization that emphasizes digital games for social change. Any of these examples can encompass more than one way to incorporate global knowledge, education and skills. The Internet is now a global marketplace, a global workspace, and a global meeting place that provides a vast array of opportunities to not only learn about the world but interact with the world.